Date | Home Team | Home Score | Visitor Team | Visitor Score |
8:00 am 6/2/17 | Boulder County | 129 | Jet City | 194 |
10:00 am 6/2/17 | Kansas City | 109 | Sac City | 213 |
12:00 pm 6/2/17 | Sacred | 154 | Treasure Valley | 181 |
2:00 pm 6/2/17 | Tucson | 119 | Jet City | 209 |
4:00 pm 6/2/17 | No Coast | 132 | Sac City | 173 |
6:00 pm 6/2/17 | Arizona | 285 | Treasure Valley | 92 |
8:00 pm 6/2/17 | Wasatch | 98 | Rocky Mtn. | 233 |
8:00 am 6/3/17 | Boulder County | 182 | Treasure Valley | 174 |
10:00 am 6/3/17 | No Coast | 228 | Sacred | 182 |
12:00 pm 6/3/17 | Wasatch | 235 | Kansas City | 104 |
2:00 pm 6/3/17 | No Coast | 152 | Boulder County | 200 |
4:00 pm 6/3/17 | Tucson | 137 | Wasatch | 169 |
6:00 pm 6/3/17 | Arizona | 250 | Sac City | 112 |
8:00 pm 6/3/17 | Rocky Mtn. | 182 | Jet City | 158 |
9:00 am 6/4/17 | Kansas City | 118 | Sacred | 206 |
11:00 am 6/4/17 | Tucson | 119 | Treasure Valley | 225 |
1:00 pm 6/4/17 | Wasatch | 189 | Boulder County | 126 |
3:00 pm 6/4/17 | Jet City | 141 | Sac City | 95 |
5:00 pm 6/4/17 | Arizona | 246 | Rocky Mtn. | 141 |
The tournament shirt (tanks & tees) pre-order window has closed. Pre-ordered shirts will be available for pickup at the tournament. If you didn’t order a shirt, there will be a limited supply of shirts available at the event. Make sure to grab what you need the first day as we’ll only have a few of each style/size/color.
THR ~ Collin DeShotz (Wasatch Roller Derby)
THNSO ~ Doc Skinner (Kansas City Roller Warriors)
GTO ~ Damn Yankee (Soul City Sirens)
CHR ~ Bambi Lance (Circle City Derby Girls)
CHR ~ Don Scoreleone (Sacred City Derby Girls)
CHR ~ Rockity Roller (unaffiliated)
CHNSO ~ Alicia Teaze (No Coast Derby Girls)
CHNSO ~ Leslie Nope (FoCo Roller Derby)
CHNSO ~ Snarkimedes (Rocky Mountain Rollergirls)
Skating Officials
Al Capwn3d :: Bambi Lance :: Bass Invader :: Biggie Talls :: Bruise Almighty :: Chunk Rock Girl :: Don Scoreleone :: Dread Hochuli :: Dread Weasley :: ERMAHGERD, RERFERER! :: Jacques Strappe :: Jim Class Hero :: Julius Seesya :: Landin Flat :: Oh Grr :: peeka :: Pol E. Dangerous :: Purple Reign :: Razor :: Rockity Roller :: Shorty :: Umpire Strikes Back :: Uno Mas :: Vanilla VICE
Non-Skating Officials
2 Pack ShockHer :: Alicia Teaze :: C-Wrecks :: Chanel No. Die :: Chunk Norris :: Darth Thader :: David Reed :: Derby Sanchez :: Dille the Kid :: Dis’nTerry :: Doc Psycho :: Fickle Bitch :: Ione Dat :: Karma :: Karma Suture :: Keister Bunny :: Leigh Featherstone :: Leslie Nope :: Loco MOtive :: Mandamonium :: Margie Ram :: Marzibam :: Montana MaulHer :: Nine Inch Wheels :: Pop’a Pain :: RoSLAMbo :: Sam Heinous :: Sirius Hertz :: Snarkimedes :: Social Lies :: Supergirl :: Torquemama :: UltraViolent Blu :: Viki Vanish :: Whistle Blower :: Wizard of Laws
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