November Mixup Double-Header


Date Time League Season
November 13, 2021 5:00 pm Intraleague 2021


The Rollerdome
2375 S Delaware St, Denver, CO 80223, USA


This doubleheader mix-up will feature four Colorado-themed teams made up of a mix of Denver Roller Derby and Rocky Mountain Rollergirls skaters, in two bouts (starting at 6 PM and 8 PM, respectively). 

Roller Derby and Rocky Mountain Rollergirls for our first LIVE bouts since the Before Times!


Doors open at 5 p.m. for LIVE ROLLER DERBY at The Rollerdome!

BOUT 1: Blucifer vs. Moose | 6PM

BOUT 2: Winter vs. Summer | 8PM

All ages welcome, kids 12 and under are FREE. Adult beverages will be available for those over 21 years of age.

Proceeds from this event will go towards renting our joint-league home, the Rollerdome. RMRG and DRD are non-profit organizations that rely on the support of our community to provide action-packed, family-friendly fun on four wheels.