January Skater of the Month


The Rocky Mountain Rollergirls are excited to announce that the Skater of the Month for January is: SHRED MOSBY!  Mosby joined RMRG in August 2014, after transferring from Arkansas.  From the moment she joined the league, we knew she was a great fit: her presence and spirit are felt both on and off the track.  As an active skater with Project Mayhem and co-captain of the Sugar Kill Gang, Mosby has grown into quite a forceful blocker. She also never shies away from taking the jammer star.  Mosby does a great job coaching new skaters and always makes a point to be positive and make everyone feel welcomed.  This season, we also recognize her for managing the Rocky Mountain Rollerpunks and helping to mold the future talents of roller derby.

Congrats, Shred Mosby!  Keep up the hard work!