This month, Rocky Mountain Rollergirls would like everyone to give a HUGE round of applause (and maybe even a well-deserved standing ovation) to our latest skater of the month: BETTY SLAYER ONE! Slayer just hit the year mark with the league, and in that time she has become an invaluable member of Rocky Mountain. When Slayer is not busting her butt on the track, she can often be spotted just off the track, working with our amazing merchandise crew to help promote our league.
Slayer’s tenacity and unflinchingly positive attitude are an inspiration to even our most senior skaters, and her willingness to #work on her game is to be admired by all. Even when jobs and other “real life” issues try to get in the way, Slayer stays focused and committed to her goals. She is not afraid to reach out to others who need support, nor does she shy away from asking for it herself. Her ability to reflect on the inherent challenges of the sport and overcome frustrations are enviable, and we can all learn a lot from the way she keeps moving forward, improving her physical and mental game with every practice.
Slayer’s positive demeanor and infectious work ethic make her an obvious choice for our May Skater of the Month! Congratulations Slayer! We love you and look forward to seeing what great things you do in the future!