by Mars Furiosity
photo: Joel Giltner / Shutter Up
The Rocky Mountain Rollergirls hosted a double-header against the Kansas City Roller Warriors at the War*house on Saturday, March 22nd. Rocky Mountain’s 5280 Fight Club (WFTDA #9) met Kansas City’s All Stars (WFTDA #19), followed by the Contenders facing KCRW Plan B. Fight Club and the KCRW All Stars last met in July 2013, with Fight Club winning 251-159.
Although the first jam went in the KCRW All Stars’ favor, rushing through the first line of defense and gaining lead jammer status, Fight Club stopped their advances as abruptly as they had begun. Sweet Mary Pain added 15 points early on to a steadily increasing Fight Club lead. Fight Club’s jammer rotation – MVP Phantom Menace, Sweet Mary Pain, Juska, and Alpha Q Up – consistently earned lead jammer throughout the game. Rocky Mountain’s defense, led by MVP Toxic Taunic, banded together from the first whistle and before the first half ended, successfully drew multiple penalties from KCRW’s frustrated jammers. The first half ended in Fight Club’s favor, 158-67.
There was no break in Fight Club’s stride throughout the second half. Fight Club attained lead jammer status thirteen of eighteen jams, although they also earned nearly twice as many penalties as Kansas City. Megalops and Triple Shot Misto both brandished the jammer star after Juska fouled out. Losing a designated jammer did not have a negative impact – Fight Club took the night with a 297-125 win.
photo: Eric J. Schultz
The Contenders versus KCRW Plan B game erupted in the first jam, with The Contenders earning 21 points and Plan B scoring 10. Gator Dunn of The Contenders broke out as lead jammer shortly after the first whistle, setting the tone for the rest of the game. Frak Attak, She Who Cannot Be Named, and TraGek followed Gator’s example with 20 point jams followed by MVP ShredHer Wheats scoring 33 points in a single jam. At halftime, The Contenders led 245-40.
KCRW Plan B tried anew to break through The Contender’s walls during the second half, but every lap around the track was met with a nearly impenetrable defense. MVP blocker was awarded to Rowdy Rothbomb, who also took a turn jamming in the second half. The final score was 361-106 in The Contenders’ favor.
MVPs (left to right): Phantom Menace, Toxic Taunic, Rowdy Rothbomb, ShredHer Wheats
photos: Dave Wood