www.amillionmatters.com, www.ampthecause.org
Rocky Mountain Rollergirls and Rocky Mountain Rollerpunks are partnering with AMP the Cause- Board of Directors to participate in a raffle that will help raise money for our programs and services – and that means you could win a 2016 Ford Escape! Visit www.amillionmatters.com today to purchase raffle tickets and support Rocky Mountain Rollergirls and Rollerpunks! Raffle tickets are only $10.00 and the winning ticket will be drawn at AMP the Cause’s annual Denver Day of Rock event in Downtown Denver on May 28, 2016 at Skyline Park 1 located at 15th and Arapahoe Street.
Contact Erica@ampthecause.org for more information, or call us at 303-605-2885