Skater of the Month: FlipHer

This month, the Rocky Mountain Rollergirls would like to recognize an outstanding league member – FlipHer!
After spending her formative years of roller derby skating with the Castle Rock’in Rollers, Flip decided to take a leap of faith and transfer to the Rocky Mountain Roller Girls in early January 2014. After crushing it with the Killscouts for a few months she soon made it to playing with Project Mayhem while traveling around Colorado and beyond. She soon established herself as a key member of the Team Heckle Squad, and can consistently be found traveling with Fight Club to a host of exciting destinations.
On the track she has become a formidable opponent, not only with her much loved home team, the United States Pummeling Service, but as a talented addition to the Contenders roster for the past two years. Not only has she skated with both of these teams, but she captained the United States Pummeling Service to one of their undefeated seasons and has been serving as a Contenders captain for the past year. Her planning skills and calm demeanor make her accomplished in this role.
Off the track, she has gone above and beyond to make Rocky Mountain Roller Girls an amazing home. She currently serves as head of HR, putting out fires and making sure the league is running behind the scenes, and has had a hand in working with NErD and Training to put together an unparalleled smooth running ship. Her hard work at Besterns this year did not go unnoticed. If you enjoyed the live stream, she was the woman behind getting that out to the world for your viewing pleaser. By recruiting a close friend in the IT sector, Flip assured that the derby world could see all teams that competed at this years event.
Her bright smile and cowbell charm is nothing compared to her losing her voice yelling for the team she loves. Please help us in congratulating our skater of the month FlipHer!