Skater of the Month: Sarahtonin

2017, 2016

This month the Rocky Mountain Rollergirls would like to give special recognition to a tireless league member – Sarahtonin!

Sarah joined us in June of 2016, and since then she has become an invaluable asset to RMRG. Not only does she put in time on the track as a Dooms Daisy, she works constantly behind the scenes to ensure that all of our games are staffed will fully qualified EMTs to look out for the medical needs of the skaters should those circumstances arise. She took on the herculean task of scheduling all of the medical staff for our 3-day Besterns tournament, working a lot of the shifts herself. We literally cannot have games without the services that she coordinates for us.

A HUGE thank you to Sarah – we appreciate everything you do for RMRG!