Fireworks are not only beautiful because of their magnitude and brilliance, but because we usually only get to see them a few times a year. So it shall now be with Violet A. Saultz, RMRG’s July skater of the month who is leaving the slopes of her beloved Colorado to move to Arizona. We have no doubt we’ll see her at annual tournaments, but before she departs for the land of cactus and heatstroke we would like to take this time to honor Saultz. Mighty on the track, busy as a bee behind the scenes of derby, and altruist to the bone in her personal and professional life.
Saultz is a remarkable human, you need only look at her chosen profession to see that. She works closely with refuges and those seeking asylum in the United States to help find them jobs and ease into their new and often confusing life. She spends much of her time volunteering in her community as well.
Saultz’s kind and calm demeanor can be seen at Rocky too, as she helps run practices and train the fresh meat without ever raising her voice (although sometimes we wish she would since she’s got the New Jersey native speech pattern thing going on).
Despite a broken leg and other injuries, along with a packed traveling schedule, Saultz has been a vital part of the Board of Directors and kept track of our complicated accounts as Head of Finance. She has played with all levels of Rocky and calls the Sugar Kill Gang her home team. We know that Saultz will be a valued asset to whichever team she decides to join in the future. Rocky Mountain Rollergirls wish her the best, will miss her deeply, and if we look menacing when we say, “Hey future league, take care of our girl,” that’s just a trick of the light.
We love you Violet A. Saultz!