Tag: Colorado Coalition for the Homeless

Next Fillmore Bout – Saturday, September 7th

Bout poster


Buy your tickets for Saturday, September 7th! The Red Ridin’ Hoods face off against the Sugar Kill Gang at 7:00 pm in a fight for third place standing for our 2013 Home Teams season. Will you be wearing Sugary Pink or Hood Red that night? Doors open at 6:00 pm and the night starts off at 6:20 with a Rollerpunks Pre-Bout. These kiddos kick some serious butt.

Stick around after the bout because all ticket holders 21+ are invited to stay for Down & Derby at the Fillmore Auditorium! Wear your best polyester suit – the theme is 70’s Roller Disco. Bring your own skates or pay a lil’ extra to rent some for the night.

A portion of the bout’s proceeds will benefit the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless. Stop by their table during half-time and learn how to get involved.


In summary, for one bout ticket you will:

  • Witness GREAT roller derby action
  • Receive FREE entry to Down & Derby: 70’s Roller Disco Edition
  • Support Coloradans struggling with homelessness