Thank You to our Supporters!

As Rocky settles into our new home on Delaware Street, we wanted to take a minute and thank everyone who donated to our Indiegogo and GoFundMe campaigns. We wouldn’t have been able to complete the work on our warehouse without our amazing supporters! It truly was a team effort, and we’re so excited to start the 2019 season!

Lady Ace
Piper Anton
Ken Arthur
Amy Atencio
Beth Bandimere
Ma & Pa Bizarre
Mr. Biz
Mark Bloom
Shandra Botello
Kristie Browns
Christina Burns
Sophie Bushman
James Cook
Julie Cooper
David Dyte
Lindsey Eastman
Jessica Fasy
Sam Fels
Kristen Ferguson
Elizabeth Fischer
Ryan Fleharty
Devon Fox
Jennifer Frale
Jamie French
Michael Gamble
Mark Garcia
Gwen Gelsinon
Leah Glazer
Lindsay Griffith
Luke Graham
Peggy Hemler
Amy Hodge
Ryan Hoskins
Joni Huffman
Kelley Huss
William K
Fridah Killah
Marcelle King
Naomi Lambert
Lisa LeFever
Jodi Litchfield
Jennifer Loper
Katie Lothe
Heather & Rick Mcfadden
Michele Mcloughlin
Melanie Moffett
Pixie’s Mom
Meg O’Connor
April O’Hare
Nancy Powers
Kelly Rider
Robin Roberts
Cindy and Gil Ross
Linda & Bill Rowe
Kristy Rowe
Greta Schmidt
Jaimie Scranton
Jerry Seltzer
Clara Soh
Justin Stetzleberger
Juana Walker
Kendra Walworth
Anthony West
Rebekah Whittaker
Kim Woroch
& many anonymous donors