RMRG is so overflowing with talent that having an A-team (Fight Club) and a B-team (The Contenders) wasn’t enough. Project Mayhem is RMRG’s C travel team. Don’t let that “C” fool you – these skaters take on other leagues’ A-teams and win. It is comprised of up and coming skaters as well as senior skaters who have taken a step back from the demands of Fight Club or Contenders, but still want to skate competitively. Mayhem posted a record of 7-4 in 2014.
2015 Results
Date | Winning Team | Losing Team | Score |
Feb 21 | Project Mayhem | Pikes Peak Derby Dames Slamazons |
209-191 |
Feb 28 | 10th Mountain Roller Dolls All Stars |
Project Mayhem | 180-104 |
Aug 15 | Project Mayhem | A’Salt Creek Roller Girls All-Stars |
104-102 |
Aug 16 | Naughty Pines Derby Dames | Project Mayhem | 215-148 |
Sept 12 | Project Mayhem | Duke City Juggernaughties |
262-70 |
Sept 19 | 10th Mountain Roller Dolls All Stars |
Project Mayhem | 179-174 |
Sept 19 | Project Mayhem | FoCo Punchy Brewsters |
171-151 |
2015-2016 Captains:
Lezzie Borden