“Was that a Barking Spider?”

by Angry Topaz

As with most Spiders, our very own Barking Spider came into this world full of rage and farts. As she busted out of the egg sack that her and her siblings were incubating in, she also let a few rip. Butt this Barking Spider isn’t just good for fart jokes. As a member of RMRG she has been on NeRD, Training, Newbie Training, and PR / Marketing. She has filled in gaps in various places not just with her gas but with her willingness to step up and get stuff done. She comes up with amazing campaigns to help promote this assortment of derby humans and coordinates this very Member of the Month spot light (shhhh this is a secret she doesn’t know we picked her). More importantly she has her own slack bot command!

Barking Spider has been a member of RMRG since 2011. She is currently the committee head of PR/Marketing (going on her second year). She has skated with Dooms Daisies and Project Mayhem. She enjoys a nice sweaty heart racing practice. You can find her farting around on our social media accounts or putting in a sweaty workout during her lunch time. So please join us in celebrating Barking Spider as January’s Member of the Month (just breath through your mouth)!!