Rocky Mountain Home Teams Add 19 New Skaters

Rocky Mountain’s home team rosters have expanded significantly after the addition of 19 news skaters at the annual Rocky Mountain Rollergirls Prom on Saturday night. The new draftees include transfer skaters, recently “aged-up” Rocky Mountain Rollerpunks, and home-grown Rocky Mountain talent.

Congratulations to the newest members of all four teams!

Dooms Daisies
Happy Killmore
Harriet the Spike
Sinn Drella

Red Ridin’ Hoods
Dental Damnation
Gator Dunn
Harper Bizarre
Helen Wheels
Hole Punch of Pain
Home Wreckin Havoc
Shelluva Subdrop
Smack and DeckHer

Sugar Kill Gang
Fallen Angel
Jules Burne
Koko Rolla Diva
Sylvia’s Wrath
Violet A Saultz
Wheelie Smallz

United States Pummeling Service
Ginger Snap Yo Neck