Rocky Mountain Home Teams Add Five Skaters Congratulations to the following skaters who were drafted to home teams on Saturday night! Red Ridin’ Hoods Blue Scream of Death Captain Crunch Dooms Daisies Alda Wayupta U.S.P.S. DopeaMean Sunshine
Fight Club and Contenders Each Add 7 New Skaters! Congratulations to everyone who made the 2015 rosters for the Rocky Mountain Rollergirls 5280 Fight Club and Contenders teams!
Rocky Mountain Adds Nine New Home Team Skaters Please join us in welcoming nine skaters to their new Rocky Mountain Rollergirls Home Teams! * Dooms Daisies * Purdy Vicious Wild E Coyote * Red Ridin’ Hoods * Ghetto Kitty * Sugar Kill Gang * Extinction Level Event (E.L.E.) French Kiss of Death Sharon Tacos Shred Mosby Southern Discomfort * United States Pummeling Service * Devastator